Thanks. I think the product is a terrific option. I have looked at AltiGen, Cisco, Sphere and ShoreTel. All of them have something to offer, but I think the ShoreTel is the most complete. I don't paticularly care for their phones either but they have excellant sound quality. I have seen a number of very positive articles regarding Shoretel and they don't appear to be advertising pieces which is useful. Cisco has a great product as well and they are very aggresive in offering discounts and incentives but I think this is indicative of an attempt to get to Smaller, not GM or Boeing, type companies. I think this also indicates that in the long run Cisco will be a more expensive solution to maintain, ( either in technical skill requirements or in future upgrade of the system ). But Cisco is putting a huge amount into R&D and ShoreTel, the smaller company, can't compete at this level. AS they are not Public at some point one has to wonder what will become of ShoreTel. As you indicated it is either an IPO or Sale and this could be good or bad. I have heard that there have been a number of management changes and if you look on their web site there are not many Exec's that have been there too long. As they are not Public there is not much financial info either like Sales, Revenue growth or profitability.