I think the last I heard they had 145 employees around the world (which is not much). They are a private company though so they do not share finances. When we became a partner we talked to their CFO. They still have a lot of Venture Capital cash left over so they are not hurting for money at the moment, but since it was a company 100% funded by Venture Cap money, they will be wanting their money back in one of two ways (usually) Shoretel will either need to be sold within the next coupld of years or go public. The CFO said they are looking to go public in 2007 and they are taking their time to doing it right. If you have been reading any of the trade journals you will see that Shoretel is the industry darling right now. Now history has shown a lot of companies that have a great product that can't stay in business. But it really does seem like Shoretel is taking their time to do things right! They have a quality product, they stopped selling direct and moved to a partner only service. I talked to about 12 partners or so around the US when I was investigating and all of them love the product. I think Shoretel is working to get the name recognition now. It really is an awesome product, so I hope it really takes off. As I said in my post above it really is better than Avaia and Cisco. It is much different, but it really is a quality product that is well thought out. My only complaint is that compared to Cisco, Shoretel's phones are really ugly!

Justin Phillips
Business Telecom Consultant
Rochester, MN