Here! Here! Coral, you have a deep understanding of the IT world and the "Real" world.

Local college, teaches IT, calls, IT guy having problem with wireless points on the network. Wants to add "that blue wire" so that they can add another POE unit to "add more power to the network to make it work better". OKAY?!?

Hey, it is time and material, fourth floor. Old brick 4 story buildings. Brick interior walls. Look the job over. "Do you really need this here?" "No." "Okay, we'll get started." We added 30' of cable, turned the wireless point to extend down the hall, not at the wall. Signal great now. Ran 70' from the closet through a wall and placed the new wireless point where it covered the other hall. Great signal. No need for a new POE injector. Just place the equipment properly. IT guy thinks we walk on water. No, common sense says radio doesn't work through brick walls, signals travel down halls.

IT is in charge of phone and IT and has six people, yet no one could figure out the basics. My associate looked, figured it out in minutes, and we fixed it right then and there.....

Oh, well, it pays the bills. laugh
