so it sounds as though evolution is progressing, BUT....

But, will the infrastructure be ready, if so, when

But, will reliability be at a comfortable level

But, will end users continue to purchase patches and require fixes for the software control

But, will the equipment be superceded in weeks, months, years due to the steady progression from step 1

But, will the standard hourly charges DROP like they did for CGs? (I recall they used to be able to bill "more" than phone guys)

I guess my reluctance to embrace a new technology until it is a stable and consistent entity is my reluctance to embrace VoIP. Did you buy 8-tracks? quickly replaced by cassette, replaced by cd, soon to be replaced by mp3. By my estimate, I have bought the same "album" by Neil Young 5 times, once in each format, I am tired up temporary upgrades.

Will VoIP be a temporary upgrade until they come up with something "bigger and better"?

(hmmmmm, maybe the topic for the NEXT rant)

it's all tip and ring