See now not once was it ever mentioned that my install was not a supported installation for this product.

I did the same thing with access-lists and NAT rules to make it work. But not once was I ever told that it was not supported. Hearing that now, just pisses me off. Where is it stated that this type of installation is not supported? I would really like to read that one.

Anyway. More Cisco quirky items came out today.

I have each of my locations setup with a blast group, (call group) each blast group has General Delivery voicemail box. You cannot set up an MWI for the GD mailbox....huh? Yeah you heard that correctly, you cannot set a MWI anywhere for a GD box. Even better to access the GD box, you must log into a personal mailbox that is a member of the blast group. So what do you do if none of the members have a personal mailbox? I guess the messages just sit there in limbo.


Set up phantom extension with voicemail box say - 3000, set the DID to 3000, CF all calls into 3000 to the blast group pilot number say 3100. Now if no one answers, it will leave a voicemail at ext 3000, that you can add as a "watch" button on the phones to indicate there is a voicemail message in the general box.....what kind of hoaky setup is that?

I also got my analog adapters today, the ATA 186's were replaced with the ATA187's which I got. Guess what, not supported by my current setup.............I get to upgrade all the software on the system to add functionality that should have been included out of the box.

And I thought I was almost done with the configs.