Some good points so far, the only thing i would say is be very wary of "New" voip manufactures signing you up to sell their new system that in their words "is vastly superior to anything else on the market"

Be carefull the same snake & oil salesman from this "new voip manufacturer" will be nowhere to be seen after the install when YOUR customer is not happy as they cant make quality calls at certain times of the day.

Expect the "new Voip Manufacturer" to Throw YOU the Reseller under the bus when problems occur.

Expect the "new voip Manufacturer" to blame everyone other than their own equipment.

I've never been in favor of Unions, but I feel small Reseller interconect business owners like us need some kind of group protection in these times of changing technology.

Avalon Services
New Jersey Voip Telephone systems voice & Data Cabling