I like the review page much better. Nice and Clean...just like pure water.

Have you ever seen the movie Amadeus? A cluttered page can be like:

MOZART: "So then you like it? You really like it, Your Majesty?"

EMPEROR: "Of course I do. It's very good. Of course now and then - just now and then - it gets a touch elaborate."

MOZART: "What do you mean, Sire?"

EMPEROR: "Well, I mean occasionally it seems to have, how shall one say? [he stops in difficulty; turning to Orsini-Rosenberg] How shall one say, Director?"

ORSINI-ROSENBERG: "Too many notes, Your Majesty?"

EMPEROR: "Exactly. Very well put. Too many notes."

Good luck with your next endevour. You know where to get Constructive Criticism.


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