I'm relatively new as well so no worries about getting any crap from me...I'm always grateful to receive responses!

Anyway, what we've got at our "main building" if you will is a CIX 670 with two IPU cards in it. One is addressed and the other respectively. As far as the Stratanet goes, node 11, which is the 670 is only listed with the ip route of which I thought was a little weird since there are two IPU's in that, but eh...maybe it doesn't matter?

At the remote sites (there are two of them) we have CIX 40's and the remote sites are networked to the main site with one Tsunami Wireless bridge each. No routers. I do have an inter vlan router I recently set up, but this problem was persisting long before. The data and voice networks are somewhat seperate. There are two vlans one for data, one for voice. All the phones are obviously all on the same subnet.

I've not seen the Tsunami's ever block any kind of traffic, but I'm not an expert with those either. I also confirmed that by setting up a phone from the main building(connecting to an IPU from the main building at the remote site) over at one of the remote sites. It worked fine. No audio loss in any case. I would have to think if it was the Tsunami blocking traffic, I would have experienced problems with audio loss.

All of the routers we have with the exception of the inter vlan one are on the data subnet, and have nothing to do with the phone systems.

It seems as though regardless Wireshark is telling me that something's not able to get through someplace. I'm left to believe it has to be the CIX 40 IPU talking to the IPU on the 670. The ICMP errors I was seeing in Wireshark and mentioned above looked like it had a lot to do with those two IPU cards. Those being at the main site with the 670 and at the remote site with the 40.