if you are not involved in IT, you better "start"?
This confuses me.

15-20 years ago, the phone guys were getting all the IT business. "Hey, can you run me some network cables?" was a fairly common phrase. Most of us, I know I did, expanded to where we took on some of the IT stuff. Maybe not placing PC's on desks, but hubs, switches, routers, etc all were part of the cable infrastructure that made up the phone guy's side of IT.

As Y2K sucked all the dollars out of IT at the tail end of the 20th century, and it was apparent the dollars would not be back for a few years, the smart guys did not accept working for lower wages and continued to provide QUALITY telephone service and installation and our wages have continued to climb.

IT techs, network techs, and lotsa computer guys all accept the market has changed, and the $60-100K yr jobs slowly have migrated down to $20-50K. The years of experience are slowly dwindling to techs that can get the job done, but have no real base for theory and practice of how the compnents interact and communicate. They are not techs, they are parts changers.

This thread has been lively, and I do enjoy the many voices and opinions.

Phone Guys rule, computer techs are unix!

it's all tip and ring