Posted By: aweaver SMS messaging alerts getting cut short - 08/05/15 10:23 PM
We have been having difficulty with seeing the full message when using the SMS alert function under an Allworx user to alert the user of new voicemail. The problem is that the subject of the text is cut short resulting in the caller ID number only partially coming through. If the caller ID name is short enough, then both name and number are visible. After extensive testing, it appears that [email protected] and [email protected] both chop the message short but [email protected] works. I thought this must indicate that the Allworx PBX is sending out the full message but AT&T has a character limitation on the subject field where Verizon does not but after further testing I found that AT&T does not appear to have any character limitation on the subject field. We are current using message alias as a work around to using SMS alert but this issue bugs me and I would like to know if anyone else ran into the same problem and/or found a fix.
Posted By: JWRacedog Re: SMS messaging alerts getting cut short - 08/07/15 12:54 PM
As far as I know, that has not been a problem for any of our systems, but maybe I just haven't noticed. I'll have to pay more attention. Have you run it by Allworx support? What do they say? Are these 6xs or is it happening with different type servers? Any pattern with software versions?
Posted By: aweaver Re: SMS messaging alerts getting cut short - 08/15/15 12:32 AM
It's on 6X and connect servers. I have been informed on the Allworx forum that this has been a known issue for several years already and is limited to AT&T SMS gateways. That means we'll have to live with the work around.
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