Posted By: soyons-expositifs what will it take - 12/01/09 11:51 AM
I am sitting on a rotary logic 20 phone from northern telecom and a touch tone logic 10, what would it take to make these things work on a single line
Posted By: EV607797 Re: what will it take - 12/01/09 12:56 PM
Just connect the white/blue pair to the phone line. If you want it to ring, also connect the yellow/slate pair to the line. You won't have lights or hold without connecting them to a KSU.
Posted By: Arthur P. Bloom Re: what will it take - 12/01/09 03:06 PM
Also, they work better if you sit NEXT to them, rather than ON them. Just a thought...
Posted By: soyons-expositifs Re: what will it take - 12/01/09 08:35 PM
lol, no i want to know what kind of ksu i would need to get them working, i know how to make them work as a regular phone smile
Posted By: EV607797 Re: what will it take - 12/01/09 08:40 PM
Man, you Canadians sure can be difficult. :p

Jay, you'll need a KSU, probably a Western/Northern Electric 551B or C or an ITT 501/601. You'll then need a 400 type line card for each line appearance and a 25 pair cable (female) for each phone. Once you have those, we'll get you hooked up.

Oh, and YES, you will need a 66 type punch down tool.
Posted By: Silversam Re: what will it take - 12/02/09 05:51 AM
Originally posted by EV607797:
Man, you Canadians sure can be difficult. :p

Oh, and [b]YES
, you will need a 66 type punch down tool. [/b]
Ed - Please! He's Canadian. I don't think they're allowed to use 66 tools. Bix only North of the Border! wink

Jay - Seriously, check some of the other posts - they'll point you in the right direction. The Logic series of phones were 1A2 and like all 1A2 phones they could be used on any system. It was not unusual (back in the day) for us to mix ITT, Stromberg Carlson & Northern Telecom equipment on the same job. (We could have mixed in Western Electric too [if we were allowed]).

1A2 is 1A2.

Posted By: soyons-expositifs Re: what will it take - 12/02/09 12:42 PM
i figure i can get thses running in the house as conversation pieces, my meridians just arent obscure enough!
Posted By: MooreTel Re: what will it take - 12/02/09 01:11 PM
Jay, in the days that the Logic's were around, Bell was using QUJ8a, 9a or 10a KSU's all Northern Electric (later Northern Telecom, now Nortel)
Within the KSU, you had "KTU's" for the different applications such as QUN10 for the lines, as well as 7, 8 and others for the special ops needed.

I recently threw out a QUJ8a last year when I was cleaning out the garage. I'm sure you can still find some of this in operation around Mtl.

BTW, for Ed's knowledge...66 blocks were still in use very much so at THAT time until Canadians "Modernized" our systems...still waiting for the US to catch up laugh

If I come across another one, I'll let you know.

You might want to check with "Deltatech" on Decarrie Blvd. Minn might have one or can get one for you.
Posted By: soyons-expositifs Re: what will it take - 12/02/09 08:18 PM
deltatech, i will have a look, cus reparaphone said they can only paint them for me lol
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