We recently had a power outage, and now when I try to get into PassPoint sofware I receive an "Index is out of Date" error.

When I click "Connect" for the database I get a never-ending series of "cannot perform this operation on a closed data set" error.

Can anyone help me with this issue?


Hi Gregg,

Can we get you to fill in the rest of your profile? We just like to know a little more about the users of this forum and their abilities level.

I am not the guru on the PassPoint access control software, however I do know that is a common error that comes up. I personally would probably do a reboot or call Honeywell tech support.

There may be another user in this forum that knows more and hopefully will post.
Profile is filled in.

I'm really just getting my "education" as far as security systems go. It's been quite a journey that last couple of months.

We had issues with getting access cards, getting control of our security systems, etc. Now that we are at that point, I'm trying to really get some best practices figured out: how to avoid things like this, backup / recovery procedures, etc.

Unfortunately, it seems that I'm constantly getting the test before the lesson.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


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