Posted By: metelcom meta tag ?s - 04/23/06 03:12 PM
I know that the pages should have the following meta tags: Title, Description and Keywords

1. Are there any other?

2. Is there a limit for how many words in each meta tag?

3. Does it matter what order the words are in?

4. Should you use the "s" to make word plural?

5. Should there be a comma and space or just comma between words? (first word, second, third) or (first word,second,third)

6. What about Capital Letters yes/no/don't matter?

7. Should sub pages have different tags or the same as index page?

Thanks for any answers you may have
Posted By: vwebworld Re: meta tag ?s - 04/25/06 08:32 PM
See my -- suggestions below:

I know that the pages should have the following meta tags: Title, Description and Keywords

1. Are there any other?
-- The meta keywords is not read by most search engines anymore. It doesn't hurt to use it, but it will not influence your search results.

2. Is there a limit for how many words in each meta tag?
-- The Title tag should be unique for each web page and only a few words long. Try to avoid "stop" words like "the", "and", etc.

3. Does it matter what order the words are in?
-- the order does not matter, however words used should be relevant to the web page.

4. Should you use the "s" to make word plural?
-- IF an important keyword for your site is plural, then use the plural version

5. Should there be a comma and space or just comma between words? (first word, second, third) or (first word,second,third)
-- For the Title and description, it does not matter. Coma is used to separate words in the keyword meta....but that meta is not important to use (see #1).

6. What about Capital Letters yes/no/don't matter?
-- doesn't matter

7. Should sub pages have different tags or the same as index page?
-- each page should have unique keywords that are relevant to the webpage's content.

The other places it is important to use your target keywords/phrases is in "h1", "h2"...tags,
bold/strong text, in-bound and internal text links, alt image tags, and your text content.

Posted By: vwebworld Re: meta tag ?s - 04/25/06 08:42 PM
One of the most important places for a keyword is in your website's URL.

I strongly suggest that a business that wants to have a web presence get their own URL (www. address).

Having your own URL says you mean business and it is easier to remember than www. somehosting. com/~name

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