Hi All, I am new here and found this site looking for info on how one AMI/SF T1 would behave in a VoIP environment where all other T1s are B8ZS. We have an Avaya IPO 400x series and 4 locations connected by T1s. We have had a problem with dropped calls and I believe that the AMI circuit is the cause due to the fact that all calls that come into the location with the AMI circuis and are transferred to a spoke location drop 100% of the time. This doesn't occur when the call is transferred to the hub site, even if the hub then transfers to another spoke. I am having the AMI circuit replaced with a B8ZS circuit on Monday 3/31, and I will have my answer at that time, but I am documenting the issue as we have had this problem for nearly a year and my BP said that the AMI circuit shouldn't be causing problems. Can anyone point me to a white paper or some other documentation that will show that the mix of linecoding can cause serious problems?

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