short story... the city has signed everybody up for MFA... every time you need to log into the computer, the system wants to call your phone, and you press #
except by default hitting #, even on an inbound call, isn't allowed. so they hit # and it doesn't go through and they can't log in and it's a big mess (thanks SO MUCH citywide IT department)

I THINK I've found the solution to this, which is turning off LED 13 and turning on LED 14 in program 35, but I really don't want to go driving over there to find out there's something else I've missed. On my newer system, there's also something in program *45 that has to change, but program *45 doesn't exist on the older systems.

So, the question is... if I do this (program 35, 13 off, 14 on) is it going to let me hit # on incoming calls? or have I missed something?

Thanks everybody.

(the longer story is that we've got at least 40 of these things still installed all over the city, and once I'm sure this will be the "magic fix", I can spend a few days going around and changing things, which gets me out of my regular job.)