I assume the end user is new to hearing aids.

Most handsets these days have a 'telecoil' built into them and claim that they are Hearing Aid Compatible however the general problem is finding the Sweet Spot on where to hold the handset. Generally you want to hold the handset a little away from the ear. [Cell phones are the hardest.]

If the end user has CIC (complete-in-canal) hearing aids, then a headset that is Over the Ear should work. I know, I know "I don't like that style, it messes up my hair."

You can always try searching Plantronics for compatible headsets and then direct the customer to the site, that way you don't get involved if they don't like it and want to change to to a different style. No use being the middle-man.

Yes, I do wear hearing aids and I understand where there are coming from.


Please don't confuse your "Internet Search" with my licenses, certifications and over 30 years experience.

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