I think it looks great, especially for a hobbyist setup.

As for the Comcast failure, the only thing that they are obligated to support in a power failure is 911 service through their own EMTAs. If you're using IP devices via traditional IP addressing, they have no idea what your data packets are all about.

Regardless, that's not the point. The 911 support is via the internal battery backup in their EMTA, not the ones out on the poles to support their network. With that said, if their network goes down, their battery powered EMTA is useless.

There's a Comcast power supply across from my neighborhood's entrance that has an issue. They chained a generator to the base of the pole to power it until they get the power restored. In Virginia Beach, Cox actually has permanentely-installed generators that are powered by natural gas to feed power supplies for their system nodes. I guess that being in a coastal environment, they need to be prepared for anything.