Just as I was showing off my Star Trek Communicator app, AT&T's effort (whether intentionally sneaky or not) seems to have blown away all the hard effort that so many of us put into honing our personal phones into a better product.

Oh so you gotta take away K-9 Email, my latest scanner boast, silly crap like the light sabre app or voice recorder. And I guess you want me to go back and pay $10 a month for freeway guidance when Google offers it for free...or at least at the expense of some of my privacy?

And now you're blocking Android Marketplace via Google? Sorry I hacked your precious phone and made it better. Snap. Get your boxing gloves on...I'm about to teach you something.

I fantasize about being on your team, but you gotta have something bigger than a brain stem.


"Press play and record at the same time" -- Tim Alberstein