Yes but Kumba you forget that Cisco's answer to every problem is you need to upgrade to the latest release.

Phoneguywayne. The only way I could think to get the paging working was to get ans FXS Card and put in a Valcom 9940 connected to the speakers. Then program the system that when the extension is dialed go to the fxs port. This is also very helpful when they ask for a loud ringer later. then you setup a viking pa2a in front of the system and connect it to the music input of the valcom. Works great.

Personally I would advise plan B of Kumba's but if you have any issues give me a PM and I will help as much as possible. I have a customer that did the same as yours and I cannot seem to get them to let me replace it with a good VOIP system.

All In One Communications
Mustang, OK