
I came across a nasty pink 500 at an estate sale. They wanted 10 and I offered 3. Paid 4.

Phone was a 1960's vintage, and had been (ugh, not again) painted. The good news is that it was pink on pink. Thats the good news.

I have been sanding it now for two days (not continuously :-) ) with 800 grit, and have finally gotten all of the old nasty pink paint off of it. What was a grosly discolored pink with a purple tinge is now a finely sanded pink with a very slight orange tinge.

Now it is time to go through the grits to 2000.

What I want to know is just what type of paint did WECO use when they refurbished phones? This stuff was NASTY. It clogged the sandpaper worse than anything I have ever experienced, it formed these really gross 'dust bubbles' in the water, and it irritated my skin something horrible. I used almost an entire sheet of 800 on it (and my sandpaper comes from Japan, I am worried about supply now). My hands have finally quit itching after repeated washing and application of benadryl topical to them. The whole thing was quite obnoxious (oh the trials of a phone collector after his first pink phone. I am sure Arthur knows from which I speak!)

Anyway, I will post pictures when I am finished with this one. Now that the paint is off, I am sure that it will be much easier.


Real comms took 200lb teletypes, hand keys, sounders, operators and cranked phones!