At the end of the day its what the manufacturers continue to develop and support that will determine what you sell or if you need find something else to do.

Well, not exactly. It's the marketplace that determines what the manufacturers sell and if there is a demand for TDM they will manufacture it.

The dealers who believe in VoIP are in it for the money or also because they are ignorant of other alternatives (CGs). The die hard TDM believers are just being honest and looking out for their customer's best interests.

When you talk about the changes throughout the years from 1A to 1A2 to the current TDM offerings, there weren't too many people who objected because the changes were for the better. They made installation magnitudes easier as well moves and changes, and provided features that older legacy systems couldn't.

Compare that to the absolute crap that represents the current crop of VoIP systems that are a giant step BACKWARDS in ease of use, maintenance and ROI. This isn't progress, it's a lateral move by the industry to generate more money and that isn't at all surprising given the greed and bankrupt morals that permeates corporate America.

So, if it's the manufacturers that are going to determine what I sell as you say, then sure as hell I am going to find something else to do. I won't be a part of something that I feel is being dishonest to my customers.

My feeling also is this industry as we know it has it's days numbered anyway. If you think you have a future selling VoIP think again because that's not what the manufacturers are thinking. Their success relies on IT implementation companies who already have a large presence in most corporations and businesses. They want to rely on college educated and certified IT "professionals" who already have a working relationship with the customers they want to market to.

So you can push VoIP all you want, the day is going to come when the competition from the IT industry is going to put us guys with jeans and white trucks out to pasture.


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